Monday, August 24, 2009

Our new digs, and what we've been up to....

our new hallway and living room....

two bedrooms

and the kitchen... note the bright yellow thing on the wall... its a typical gas flash hot water heater... no more running out of hot water cause the tank is used up....

our view out the living room window....we traded lots of view at our old place for a very central location

half a block away is a small french restaurant where i had this poached lemon filled with a sabayon custard, and lemon sorbet on the side...

If you haven't seen one of the new Walt Disney three D movies yet, you are missing a treat...Forget that they are corny cartoons.. not only are the loaner glasses very cool, but the effects are much more startling than i remember from the late '50's versions. We have seen two now, and i am ready for more!

And, in closing, a quote from The Ground Beneath Her Feet, by my favorite living writer, Salman Rushdie:
"For a long while I have believed that in every generation there are a few souls, call them lucky or cursed, who are simply born not belonging, who come into the world semi-detached, if you like, without strong affiliation to family or location or nation or race; that there may even be millions, billions of such souls, as many non-belongers as belongers, perhaps; that, in sum, the phenomenon may be as "natural"a manifestation of human nature as its opposite, but one that has been mostly frustrated, throughout human history, by lack of opportunity. And not only by that; for those who value stability, who fear transience,uncertainty, change, have erected a powerful system of stigma and taboos against rootlessness, that disruptive, anti-social force, so that we mostly conform, we pretend to be motivated by loyalties and solidarities we do not really feel, we hide our secret identities beneath the false skins of those identifies which bear the belongers' seal of approval. But the truth leaks our myths, our arts, our songs, we celebrate the non-belongers, the different ones, the outlaws, the freaks. What we forbid ourselves we pay good money to watch, in a playhouse or movie theatre, or to read about between the secret covers of a book....The tramp, the assassin, the rebel, the thief, the mutant, the outcast, the delinquent,...if we did not recognize in them our least-fulled needs, we would not invent them over and over again, in every place, in every language, in every time."

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